Elevated Success Coaching

Elevating Life Effortlessly with an Energy Focus

We drive our self-accountability through understanding energy, developing intuition and elevating our focus toward a higher consciousness. Sessions are held fortnightly. This program includes live group coaching, combined with spontaneous trainings and accountability within a community of professionals.

Interested in the Elevated Success Accountability Program?

Book an Inner Direction Strategy Session with me!

Does this Sound Like You?

You are losing sight of your big picture goals?

Having trouble fitting your personal and business goals into your day?

Want more momentum to progress them effortlessly?

Need some gentle or direct accountability to achieve your milestones?

We know that visualisation, meditation, cleansing, habits and other energy techniques greatly improve the speed with which we reach our goals, the fulfilment we feel can be more real and heartfelt, as we have perhaps expanded our awareness and consciousness around those goals in the process of achieving them.

Whether you are focussed on personal goals, business goals, health, legacy or lifestyle, we can experience a more effortless and enjoyable journey when we feature ENERGY and ELEVATED ACCOUNTABILITY into the mix.

My first conscious experience of this was when I wanted to leave a 12 year Corporate career 18 years ago. I set a 3 years business plan which was realised in 3 months. How? Energy.

Learning and practicing energy techniques to circumvent the usual planetary process.

And staying accountable to maintain momentum, reflection and enjoyment of the process.

I now assist others in doing that in the life and business. A fortnightly accountability group for professionals using my unique Beyond Mindset Methodologies.

It’s called the Elevated Success Accountability Group (E.S.A.P.)

It is an invitation only group for professionals, business owners, leaders and managers who wish to stay on target to reach their goals and are in synchronicity with energy and the opportunities the universe can bring our way.

To explore if we are a fit for each other, book a complementary Inner Direction Strategy Session with me and start the change in your life today.

Who is This For?

– Professionals, business owners, leaders and managers who lead busy lives and seek a watering well to replenish, re-sync and re-focus.

– Those who wish to stay on target by being accountable and reach their goals more effortlessly

– Soul Centred humans who want to open the synchronicities of life with energy impressions

– Explorers of the opportunities the universe can bring our way and how to be in the stream of energy

Why Join?

Coming at Life and Business from an energy perspective is more effortless, in alignment with our destined path and can create great joy and fulfilment perhaps beyond what you have experienced so far.

Complement that with planetary success and creating a positive impact for others, and there becomes no other way to live.

Learn how to circumvent the usual planetary process and greatly improve the speed with which you reach your goals with focussed accountability, expanded awareness and conscious universal backing.

Sashua Banay Transformational Coach

Hi, I’m Sashua!

Transformation Coach, Intuitive Mentor, Corporate & Team Facilitator and Keynote Speaker.

What ever brought you here. You are in the right place. I am a believer in how the Universe brings people together in the right timing. You may be feeling stuck, frustrated, tired, disheartened even unfulfilled and lacking in true confidence, trust or self-belief. You are not alone. ❤️  Now is not the time to lose heart, focus or momentum!

I know what it’s like to feel stuck AND I know how to get out of it. I know what it takes to transform your life into one of confidence, joy, clarity, momentum & fulfilment. Trusting your intuition and using it consciously to benefit your life.

That’s why I created a unique program to coach and support you through this process to create a life, business or career you are dreaming of living.

I do this through a unique combination of coaching and training using my Beyond Mindset Methodologies, combining 12 years’ experience in Human Resources plus 16 years of Personal & Business Energy Coaching. That’s 28 years of this wisdom passionately bursting out of me in everything I do!

Combine that with my naturally born and acutely trained intuition – and that’s what makes this coaching experience so unique with accelerated results.

The Benefits of Joining the ESAP Program

Elevate & Accelerate Your Goals

  • Reset, discern and monitor energy changes
  • Visualisation energy techniques
  • Progress & Accountability check ups

Elevated Strategic Planning

(for Life and/or Business (Group and/or 1:1 Coaching))

  • Reset, discern and monitor energy changes
  • Visualisation energy techniques
  • Progress & Accountability check ups

Community Elevation

  • Share lessons and AHA moments
  • Resolve to change and actions to take
  • Ask for feedback, use as sounding boards for your business development or new direction
  • Acknowledge Wins and Synchronicities

Spontaneous Elevation Techniques

  • There may be spontaneous trainings
  • New energy techniques downloaded and shared
  • New insights come all the time so let’s be open to create more magic!

Here is some client love

“This program has over delivered in every way and I cannot recommend it more highly. Sashua is a special lady with a gift at reading people. She’s simply a brilliant and clearly an experienced coach. The real deal.”

Damian, Sunshine Coast

“Working with Sashua is amazing. I have been able to increase my belief in me and develop my passion for helping others. Thank you Sashua.”

Kylie, Gold Coast

“Since working with Sashua I have made huge changes in my life. I have experienced more personal and professional growth with Sashua than any meditation, retreat, or coaching program I have ever done. I am forever grateful for how you have helped transform my life.”

Alicia, Sydney

“I have done lots of personal development over the years, but this was the first one to assist me to take real action in my life and with that action comes results. Sashua genuinely cares and delivers on what she says she will. If you are considering working with her… just do it!”

Lyndall, Gold Coast

Interested in the Elevated Success Accountability Program?

Book an Inner Direction Strategy Session With Me