Spiritual Growth Programs

Connecting with the Universe to Discover Your True Soul’s Purpose

Having high energy every day, being empowered to live your uniqueness, feeling a peace and serenity within.  These are just a few of the possibilities our life can hold when we nurture and expand our true soul essence.  Reach out to learn more about this heart centred space.

Choose your Path to Discovering Your Soul’s True Identity and Destiny

We provide a powerful and deeply healing range of one to one coaching, mentoring and healings.  As a Consultant with Living Illumination University for the Soul for over 18 years, we also offer Workshops, Courses and Healings to awaken the human spirit inherit in each of us.
Browse our range or Book a Call for more info.

Spiritual Coaching

Coaching & Mentoring

One to one and group coaching and mentoring, tailor made to suit your individual circumstances for more confidence, intuition and clarity in your life and business.  Sashua integrates her unique Beyond Mindset Methodologies to create transformational change that is everlasting.

Life Blockage Release Consultation

Life Blockage Release

A 1:1 consultation over 2 hours to heal and clear the backlog of blocked energy that surrounds your limiting beliefs and fears. This healing session will give you an antidote to negative recurring themes in your life and a clear path to move forward on a new trajectory, empowered and liberated.

Chakra Balancing Consultation

Chakra Life Force Balance

Our Chakras are Life Force Energy Centres that receive information from the Universe.  The flow of energy depends on our state of consciousness and impacts the energy available to our body.  This session clears the blocks that restrict that flow so we feel energised and clear in our energy force.

Concepts of Limitation Healing Consultation

Loved Ones Healing

When Loved Ones pass on or make transition it is important we do our part to ensure their trip is successful. The impact loved ones who have passed can have on our energy can be tremendous – without us even realising.  This healing is giving the gift of freedom to Loved Ones to assist them make full transition and relieve us of the heaviness of their sorrow, fear, indecision and depleted energy.  This healing clears the path for any loved ones, clearing ancestral blockages and generational healing.  A profound in-depth healing.  A gift for all involved. Available in person* or online.

*Please enquire about available locations.

Live Energy Meditation

Live Energy Meditation

Monday Morning kick-starter. A FREE energy meditation for 20 minutes to get you focussed and energised for your week ahead. Setting your intention for the goals you have and clearing the pathway for you to move forward.  A high energy focussed session channelled LIVE.  Register Here

Soul Centred Workshops

Soul-Centred Workshops

These illuminating workshops are 4 hr experiences and can be scheduled for a group of 6+ people.  Find you tribe and Book a call to schedule a date.  Available in person* or online.

Workshop Topics include:
* Awaken the Love Within
* Transcendence Meditation Healing
* Understanding our Divine Plan & Its Relationships
* Tapping Into Serenity Workshop
* Trance Healing Workshop

*Please enquire about available locations.


Spiritual Powerhouse

To expand your Spiritual Growth with direction and focus, love and compassion, to connect with your guides more deeply, to explore your spiritual gifts of perception and to heal blocked or negative energy that is holding you back in life, register for any of these powerful sessions or Book a Call for More Info.

Business of Life Workshop

Business of Life Workshop

This is for developing your Intuition in profound ways – where we channel who you team of guides are, your unique Spiritual Gift Order (Prophecy, Vision, Intuition, Feeling) so you know how they will communicate with you and teach you techniques on how to ask questions, receive answers and look after your own energy.  You will discover more of your life purpose to achieve an extraordinary quality of life outside of what is predictable and evolve to a higher level of inspiration and love to live the life you dream of.
5 hr Workshop plus 45 min Follow Up Group Session.

Trance Healing

Trance Healing Clinics

These events have helped many with an awareness of a feeling of pressure, being drained, or confusion in their energy that does not fit with who they know themselves to be, or desire to be.  They provide powerful insights on passing over and healing the pressure and confusion that affects your enthusiasm, energy and drive for a successful life so you can reach your full potential.  These clinics offer deeply profound personally significant healings. The reclaiming of your energy provides the impetus and freedom to accelerate your life to enjoy a new level of wellbeing.

Energy Awakening Event

Energy Awakening

A FREE event to open you to the possibilities of knowing you are a soul having a physical experience.  How life and its lessons are here to raise your consciousness.  How you can take charge and navigate your way through day to day experiences on your journey of self discovery. To tap into your innate powers creating a life of joy and meaning.
*If there are no suitable times, Book a Call to schedule a session and bring a friend.

Sashua Banay Transformational Coach

Hi, I’m Sashua!

Great to see you here! If you have landed here then perhaps you are searching for change. Perhaps you know there is something more that life is destined to offer you. And you are right! After 12 years in Corporate HR, I knew there had to be something more. Life felt like a struggle, my health was a struggle and no matter how much I mind-over-mattered everything, it just kept getting heavier. So I embarked on a huge spiritual journey which transformed my life. I’d love to tell you about it sometime… For the last 18 years since then, I have been passionately coaching others to expand their spiritual awareness. Whether you know what that looks like for you or not I can help. Connect and let’s find out how.

Client love

You know how you meet a person and you are absolutely in awe of who they are and how they shine? For me, that is Sashua! She is a bright, beautiful Soul, who has nothing but love, respect, compassion and absolute devotion to her fellow human (soul) beings. She absolutely walks her talk and guides you the way to discover your own light, your connection with who you are, and what you are capable of. Both as a human and a soul being. I have experienced working with Sashua as a wonderful journey to finding out what is going on at the core of my being, dig out what needs to be released, to be able to shine even more brightly. It helped me to see myself clearer, and started my journey of self-worth, confidence and a deeper sense of my whole being.

I cannot recommend Sashua and her amazing work in this world enough. Do yourself a favour and connect with Sashua – allow her to shine a light on you, so you can shine your light into the world.
Bianca de Reus, Sydney

I am by nature a cautious person so I don’t jump into friendships or situations. Over several months I observed Sashua interacting with others and noticed that not only did she light up the room with her pure gentle energy, but from the very first moment that I met Sashua I understood her ability to seamlessly slip you a message from the other side. I’ve been on my own spiritual journey for over 25 years and there are plenty of good people out there doing the work and saying and doing all the right things, but Sashua is pure energy like no other.

Her work has been life changing for me. When I started, I felt completely disconnected from myself and others and felt trapped in the life I had created. My life is now completely transformed and back on track. Sashua has a special gift in reading people and situations, her work delves deep and helps you to do the work to reconnect and transform your life. I will be forever grateful and if I ever feel myself slipping once more into the abyss I will know who to reach out to. Highly recommend, thank you Sashua, you are a blessing on this earth.

Selena Budgen, Gold Coast

Interested in Expanding Your Spiritual Growth?

Reach out to find out the best option for what your energy needs right now to take you further towards the true you – a powerful, connected soul-centred being.