Speaker Training

Magnetic Speaker
– Find Your Voice

Transform Your Speaking Fear into Magnetic Presence

Overcome anxiety and procrastination to become a confident, engaging speaker on stage, on video or in the boardroom. CONNECT. CONVERT. COMMUNITY.

Sashua Benay - Elevated Success Accountability Program

Magnetic Speaker

Times are tough and visibility in business is more crucial than ever. Did you know that high visibility can boost lead generation by 55% and increase conversion rates by 45%? Despite this, many professionals struggle with speaking and being on camera. Video content drives 49% faster revenue growth and 64% of consumers are more likely to purchase after watching a video.

The Magnetic Speaker program is my solution to help you overcome these fears and unlock your magnetic presence. Let’s work together to boost your visibility and business growth.

Why Magnetic Speaker?

 The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) tells us that 90% of small businesses run by women are turning over under $100,000 in revenue a year. As living expenses increase, so does our need to increase our visibility to create more connections, conversions, and community for our business or careers.

This and the fear of public speaking is real and significant. Research shows that 75% of people experience anxiety from public speaking, often ranking it higher than the fear of death.

But just overcoming our fear is not the goal.

The goal is to be a Magnetic Speaker and thrive in Business by connecting and converting.

Let’s Be Magnetic and Thrive Together

If you want to raise your visibility and revenue to get more traction in your business, here is your chance.

The Magnetic Speaker program is designed to help you overcome the fear of public speaking and become a magnetic presence on stage, in front of the camera or in the boardroom. In this program, you’ll get the support you need from a seasoned Transformation Coach (that’s me!) and from peers who share similar challenges and goals. Together, we’ll conquer speaking anxiety and procractination to unlock your potential to connect, convert and create a lasting impact.

Sashua Benay Transformational Coach

Magnetic Speaker Program

What You’ll Achieve

  • Confidence Mastery: Shed fears of public speaking and embrace the stage or camera with unwavering confidence.
  • Powerful Presence: Develop a magnetic presence that captivates and engages audiences, ensuring your message resonates deeply.
  • Enhanced Clarity and Expression: Gain the ability to articulate your thoughts and emotions clearly, enhancing your communication effectiveness.
  • Authentic Connection: Learn to connect authentically with your audience by aligning your words with your spirited self.
  • Inner Voice Amplification: Amplify your inner voice to guide your public persona, allowing for more genuine and impactful presentations.
  • Emotional Alignment: Integrate instinctual practices to maintain coherence and balance, boosting your emotional resonance with audiences.
  • Strategic Content Creation: Craft compelling content that not only informs but also inspires and motivates your audience.
  • Personal and Professional Growth: Experience profound personal growth that translates into enhanced professional capabilities and opportunities.
  • Network Expansion: Expand your professional network through interactions with fellow participants and industry experts.

What’s Included?

* 8 x interactive masterclasses (90 minutes each month)

* 2 x 30-day action plans (created throughout the program to support execution)

* Access to Sashua via Telegram and Marco Polo

* A new accountability buddy every month (there is something special about having an accountability buddy, you will be paired with a new buddy every 30 days)

* 2 x Ask me Anything (60 minutes each)

* Pre-work interaction and Post-work session for transformational success

* Access to a supportive group of professionals tackling the same problems you are

* Resources and templates, including Likeability Video Sales Framework, Seven Levels of Potential to Opportunity, The Purposeful Landing, Inner Value Power Focus. weekly/monthly planners and the Magnetic Speaker Workbook

The larger packages offer additional inclusions such as:

* 3 Day Speaker Retreat

* 1:1 personal coaching and mentorishiop with Sashua

* Blockage Release Session

* Sashua will review 3 of your videos

* Sashua will video record a testimonial for you!

Program Overview

  • Master Your Stage Presence: Learn techniques to command attention and engage your audience effectively.
  • Overcome Speaking Anxiety: Strategies to conquer stage fright and speak confidently in any setting.
  • Enhance Communication Skills: Improve your articulation, storytelling, and persuasive speaking.
  • Authentic Expression: Unlock your authentic self to connect deeply with your audience.
  • Inner Voice Discovery: Tap into the power of your inner voice, finding strength and clarity from within.
  • Heart Coherence: Learn techniques to balance your emotional and energetic state, fostering a resonant connection with your audience.
  • Gold Focusing: Focus on the essence and value of your message, bringing forth your ‘golden’ content to inspire and influence.
  • Practical Exercises: Hands-on practice sessions to hone your skills in real-world scenarios.
  • Feedback and Personalised Coaching: Receive constructive feedback to refine your speaking style and approach.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with other professionals to expand your network and opportunities.

Moves The Audience, Holds The Space

As someone who knows how to work with energy, Sashua also knows how to move an audience and hold the space.  She is engaging, charismatic and uplifts audiences to see life through a different lens.  Sashua has been described as having a “radio voice that sounds like liquid chocolate” that one could “listen to all day” and her “presence creates immediate authority and trust”.

Who the Program is For?

Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Coaches, Leaders, Managers, C Suite, Board Members, Founders.

  • Professionals with Stage Fright: Ideal for anyone who fears public speaking, whether it’s on stage or in front of a camera.
  • Content Creators: Suited for business owners and entrepreneurs who delay creating video content due to anxiety.
  • High-Stakes Speakers: Perfect for leaders, managers, and executives who experience nervousness before speaking engagements.
  • Authentic Communicators: Designed for those who wish to infuse authenticity and true personal essence into their public and video presentations.
  • Dynamic Engagers: For individuals aiming to captivate and connect deeply with their audiences, convert them to their offerings and build community.
  • Business Strategists: Tailored for professionals who want to leverage speaking as a key element of business growth.
  • Visionaries and Leaders: Ideal for founders, board members, and spokespeople starting or leading movements.

Powerful Storytelling
Ignites the Room

Sashua is a high energy facilitator & speaker with a calm core centre, who ignites everlasting change in those she works with. She is a genuine, heart-felt storyteller with powerful insights who speaks from a knowing from years of life experiences, conscious choices and a bigger picture for all.
Her ability to pass these skills and techniques to others from a place of inner knowing transcends all traditional speaker training activating speakers with authentic presence.


Testimonial From JT Foxx after seeing me present

JT Foxx
World Renowned
Business Coach

Ready to Get Started?


Program Duration 3 or 6 months

Weekly Sessions for 90 mins for 3 months

Tuesday Mornings

Commencing Late August 2024

Sessions Held Online

All sessions are Recorded

Lifetime Access




$749/mth for 4 months


$1,125/mth for 4 months

ULTIMATE Price on Application

Monthly Payments Available

See package inclusions below

Your Host


Professional Speaker, Sashua Benay

Hi, I’m Sashua!

I am a Transformation Coach, Corporate Facilitator and Keynote Speaker with over 19 years’ experience in personal and professional development. Prior to that, I spent 12 years in Corporate Human Resources specialising in Organisational Development, Leadership and Culture. I now specialise in soul centred empowerment to give heart-centred professionals a voice. My mission is to inspire and empower others to find their truth and path of happiness through living consciously. From city slicker, to working in remote mining then professional sport, exiting corporate, becoming a farmer, losing 50kgs naturally, doing a deep dive into soul-centred personal development, I have had over 24,000 conversations on living a working a better way.  I have LIVED.  I have done the Tree Change and know what it takes and I have the stories to attest to it.  Sharing them with humour and inspiration to connect and activate change.  And helping you do the same.

Here is some client love

“Sashua is a special lady with a gift at reading people and understanding the right things to say and the right direction to take in any circumstance. She’s simply a brilliant and clearly an experienced coach. The real deal.”

Damian, Sunshine Coast

“Sashua is a breath of fresh air. She has a high energy, genuine approach that is inspiring, engaging and empowering in her delivery to leaders, managers and their teams.”

Renata, Sydney

“Working with Sashua is a delight. Her knowledge and expertise is first class and her service to her clients matches this. Amazing business and person all in one!”

Matt Alderton, Sydney

“Sashua exudes an energy that is calming and positive!! As a transformation coach she facilitates change that will have a true and profound impact on your life”.

Laurene McKenzie, Gold Coast

As seen on…

Take the First Step to Finding Your Voice and Oozing Presence

Book a complimentary call to explore Magnetic Speaker Training